The Green Planet - Dubai's Unique Indoor Rainforest

USD 42



Immerse yourself in a lush, vibrant atmosphere at The Green Planet, where the magic of a tropical rainforest comes to life. With over 3,000 species of plants and animals, this eco-system is a true marvel. The pièce de résistance is the world's largest, self-sustaining, indoor tree – a breathtaking sight that will leave you in awe. Step into this incredible environment and get ready to be transported to a world of natural wonders.

Imagine being transported to a lush tropical paradise, teeming with life, right in the heart of the city. The Green Planet is an innovative bio-dome that whisks visitors away on an unforgettable adventure, immersing them in the wonders of the natural world. This enclosed ecosystem is a marvel of modern technology, recreating the enchanting atmosphere of a tropical forest, complete with over 3,000 species of plants and animals, and a breathtaking, record-breaking, indoor tree that's a marvel in its own right. As you venture deeper, you'll enter the mystical realm of The Bat Cave, where you'll come face-to-face with some of nature's most fascinating creatures. Fancy a close encounter with an Emerald Tree Boa snake? Or perhaps you'll be mesmerized by the melodic calls of the diverse bird species flitting about The Green Planet? Take a moment to greet the two sloths, who spend a whopping 15-20 hours a day lounging in their favorite pastime – sleeping! And get ready to be amazed by the agility of the squirrel monkeys as they leap and swing through the trees with effortless ease, their impressive tails acting as a fifth limb. This groundbreaking educational facility is dedicated to promoting environmental awareness, shedding light on the delicate balance of nature and the importance of preserving our planet's ancient ecosystems. The Green Planet is the perfect destination for families and individuals of all ages and backgrounds, inspiring a sense of wonder and responsibility towards the natural world.